Financial Assistance Preliminary Assessment Form


Latest payslip
IR8A Employee Earnings (if you are self-employed)
CPF statement/letter of employment for yourself (i.e., that of patient),
Other sources of income (e.g., rental, pension, annunity, CPF payout)
Savings: All updated bankbooks/statements (including personal/joint/fixed deposit accounts) of patient and spouse
Latest CPF statement of yourself (i.e, patient) and spouse (past 12 months transaction history)
Insurance policies of yourself (i.e, patient)

Drag and drop a file or
or take and upload a photo

Name NRIC Nationality Age Relationship
to patient
Occupation Gross Income Nett Income

Monthly Household Expenses:
Item Expenses ($) Remarks
Food 0
Utilities (electricity) 0
Housing (rental/instalment in cash) 0
Household durables (e.g., electrical appliances) 0
Conservancy 0
Public Transport 0
Private Transport (i.e, personal vehicle) 0
Communication (i.e., mobile, home internet, landline, etc.) 0
Healthcare 0
School Expenses 0
Childcare Expenses 0
Contribution to family 0
Insurance 0
Loan Instalments (e.g., hire purchase, housing, car, renovation, education, credit card, etc.) 0
Taxes/licence fees 0
Domestic Helper 0
Miscellaneous 0
Total 0